11. Club Council and Management Committee
a) Control of the Club shall be vested in the Club Council which may delegate such of its duties from time to time as it may deem fit to the Management Committee, but responsibility for the proper management of the Club, shall, at all times, remain with the Club Council.
b) Composition of the Club Council. The Club Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President and four members elected at an Annual General Meeting, together with two delegates from each Section of the Club, of which one delegate shall be the Chairman of the Section, and two delegates from the Greenside Residents’ Association.
c) Powers of the Club Council. The Club Council shall be empowered to :-
i) Review all decisions taken by the Management Committee and its sub-committees.
ii) Promote and co-ordinate the activities of all Sections of the Club.
iii) Determine policy for the Club.
iv) Deal with such matters as the Management Committee may refer to it for attention.
d) Composition of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Club Council and the Chairmen of the
various sections of the Club. The Chairman of the Club Council shall be the Chairman of the Management Committee.
e) The Manager and Secretary of the Club. The Manager and Secretary of the Club shall be present at all meetings of the Club Council and the Management Committee but shall not have voting rights.
f) Council Members eligible for re-election. At every Annual General Meeting the President, Vice-President and the four Club Council members referred to in Clause 11.b) shall retire from Office, but shall be eligible for re-election.
g) Club Council Nominations. No Member shall be nominated for membership of the Club Council unless such member has previously been nominated and accepted the nomination in writing. Written nominations shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, and accompanied by an acceptance in writing by the nominee. Such written nominations and acceptances shall be in the hands of the Club Secretary {Manager} not less than seven days before the Annual General Meeting and shall be posted on the Club notice board forthwith.
h) Chairman. The Club Council at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting shall elect two of its members as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively, provided that, when a delegate is elected as Chairman, shall become a member of the Club Council ex officio, relinquishing hid representative capacity, and the Section or Association shall nominate another delegate in his stead. Should the Chairman or Vice-Chairman not be present at any meeting of the Club Council, the members present shall elect a chairman of the meeting.